Jun 22Liked by Camilla Sanderson

Dear Camilla, best post ever! I’m currently writing a post on these life paradoxes and have been coming back repeatedly to Pema Chodron’s quote : “My middle way and your middle way are not the same middle way…Everybody is different. Everybody's middle way is a different middle way.”

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Author

Dear Priya, I LOVE this Pema quote!!! I had not heard that before and it's so true! Thank you so much for sharing it! It's going in my Scrivener file of quotes under, "Being Right for Me"😁❤️🙏🕊️

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Jun 25Liked by Camilla Sanderson

I chanced across this today.

It was meant to be.

I've spent half a month in hospital after surgery and it has taken the five weeks of post-op for me to fully realise that I must listen to my body, NOT my body listening to me. If I can loosen the feeling of needing to control everything, that things will fall into place in a timely manner. To go with the flow. Don't bend the river. All truisms.

I did the folded hands and the right thumb was on top - odd, because I'm a creative, adore fiction writing, stitching, dancing - life through the metaphors of the arts. I'm the least rational and objective person in the world. But perhaps even that is not set in concrete. Who knows?

Thank you for making me think, Camilla.

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Thanks for reading and responding Prue. I’m sending you healing energy for your recovery from surgery. And yes, I always need to remind myself of that Dance of Will and Surrender with the Divine Beloved too.❤️🙏🏼🕊

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Camilla Sanderson

Love the quote you shared from Brené Brown. And your further writing on may be being wrong. This stirs in me our cultures obsession around polarization, one thing over an other and the attempt to make it right for everyone. The current ruling from the Louisiana courts regarding the 10 commandments is a prime example.

Why can't allopathic and natural medicine co-exist? Why can't we listen to the world and our inner knowing? Then choosing what is in alignment for ourselves! I agree, what I choose for myself may be wrong for another. But can't we both choose what we know is needed.

Also agree regarding Louise Hay. I really don't like being told from someone else what an ailment means and how I can affirm it away. I would rather discover this for myself. I feel the same around my dreams. I do not like being told what my dream means. I want to to uncover this myself. This way knowing resides in my body rather than my mind.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Author

Yes! Thanks for reading and commenting Julie. I 100% agree: "Why can't allopathic and natural medicine co-exist? Why can't we listen to the world and our inner knowing? Then choosing what is in alignment for ourselves! I agree, what I choose for myself may be wrong for another. But can't we both choose what we know is needed." Yes!

Perhaps this is yet another example of how we're finally emerging from the domination and control of the patriarchy where it was asserted that there was only "ONE RIGHT WAY," and the patriarchal appointed ultimate authority got to decide what that one right way was for everyone. Whether that outside authority was a doctor, a priest, a teacher, etc. Perhaps this is also a reflection of how this new era of conscious balance and equanimity is about tuning into BOTH the outside authority AND the inner authority, and making our aware and conscious choice from that point of view. Lol, can you tell this is a topic I'm passionate about?😁

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Agree! This is the new rising, BOTH! A bringing together what truly has never been apart. Strange this needing to create separation as one right the other wrong? How can dark be wrong and light be right? How can male be right and female be wrong? They are interdependent, both existing. Yep I can tell your passionate about this, so am I!

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I'm smiling and loving how Substack has facilitated a connection about what we're both so passionate about❤️🙏 These days it seems that so many women are walking the "Path of the Fearless Writer" and I have a sense that this may be what will help to dream our New Earth into being✨🧚‍♀️🤸‍♀️🌼🌷🌈🌺🪷💕☀️ 😎💃🕺☯️🥰✨🌟💖🙏🕊️

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I loved this post, Camilla!

I so appreciate how you are so Commiter to living your Dharma that you see it in everything you do. And I so appreciate that you advocate — at least for you — for your healing to be address by as many means as possible. I also really like the reminder to stay grounded on our body — I try my best to do this as much as possible (skateboarding helps me with this) as I know I have a tendency to get caught up in my thoughts.

And finally, I absolutely love love love that Thomas Merton quote!


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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Wow Michael, I love how you're reflecting back to me my commitment to living my dharma. And how I advocate for healing. It feels so meaningful to me to be 'seen' like that through my writing. Lots of appreciation and gratitude ❤️🙏🕊️ And yes, I'm the same with how any physical activity keeps me grounded in my body - which is part of why I'm so grateful to have grown up in Australia where there is such an emphasis on being outside, and doing lots of fun activities outside which helps us humans to stay grounded in our bodies😁 I'm looking forward to another trip to oz soon, to see my mum and one of my sisters🥰

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Glad to help you feel seem :)

And yes, I agree. Growing up in Australia certainly helps get us connected to our bodies.

Thanks Camilla :)

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Thank you for a great post, Camilla! 💗🙏

Funny (or not so funny in the moment) how a single digit can slam us into full awareness in a flash... (sounds like a familiar scenario).

I love this key insight in the perennial search for truth, you mention earlier:

»whatever experience I have, this is the experience I need for the evolution of my consciousness.«

In the context of this insight, for me it's less about 'left brain right brain theories', or 'symbolism of a thumbnail'...

In my experience I like to stick with the simple and obvious. In moments of inattention ~ resulting in a small accident ~ I shock myself into a situation, which offers an opportunity to practice self-compassion, while observing the miracle of regeneration of my own body. It reminds me of all the gazillions of tiny 'jobs' my body is doing for me in every moment.

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Hi Veronika, thanks so much for reading and responding!

And yes, I love this and it rings true for me too: "In moments of inattention ~ resulting in a small accident ~ I shock myself into a situation, which offers an opportunity to practice self-compassion, while observing the miracle of regeneration of my own body." And yes, when I stop to think about it, it is truly amazing what the body does without us even being aware of it - even, for example, breathing - which when I remember to be aware of my breath, it's such a great reminder to bring me into the power of now😁

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