What an interesting post. So much food for thought that I shall have to read it several times! Thank you for opening my eyes wider.

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Thank you so much for reading and engaging with the writing Miranda❤️🙏🕊️

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Jul 13Liked by Camilla Sanderson

You are ‘home’ in the literal southern hemisphere meaning of the word - enjoy! May your mothers pain be eased and your travelling go well ❤️❤️

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Thank you so much for your kind wishes Cathy! Lovely to hear from you here❤️🙏🕊️

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I love this. Stop shoulding all over yourself. I go through the exact same feelings sometimes—I should be more socially active, I should take more of a stand on this or that. I did, in my younger days. It did not bring me peace. I am at my best in the world when I am in a peaceful state. I need to leave furious debate and standing on soapboxes to those better qualified to deal with it now. Perhaps those without a bit of a dicky ticker. ❤️

My dharma can be found in my name—I am a bridge. A bridge between people, between worlds.

Thank you, lovely Camilla! 🥰

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And also, now that both you and Megan have stepped back up to the writing plate, I suppose I should scribble something as well. 😂

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And I see what you did there😂 thank you for the morning chuckle❤️🙏🕊️

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thank you for reading and commenting lovely Bridget❤️🙏🕊️

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Jul 13Liked by Camilla Sanderson

Camilla, I totally resonate with your dharma and intentions for life and writing. I feel like shouting "ME TOO." As an Aussie, I also love the birdsong of magpie, kookaburra & currawong. Thanks for a great post. xx

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Author

Thank you so much for reading and commenting Phoebe! I'll let you know when I get those T-Shirts made, "Living My Dharma"😁❤️🙏🕊️

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I love this! Thank you!! Here’s to dropping the shoulds and living my dharma.

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Hi Heidi, I love the fact that your last name is Joy😁 And yes, I want to get a Tshirt that says, "Living My Dharma."😁 Thanks for reading and commenting❤️🙏🕊️

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Joy is my middle name. 💜 The more healing I do the more that fits my inner state (vs. my ex’s last name 🙄)

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I join in with reflective hearts here, Camilla~thank you for a glimpse into your reflections!

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Author

Thanks so much for reading and commenting Cynthia! I'm also intrigued to see that you're writing about homeopathy, which has always worked for me. I presently use a fantastic homeopathic spray called MenoPower (https://sprayology.com/products/meno-power?variant=4456911339551) Homeopathy works well with my mother too, and I love telling people that she cured cancer with homeopathy. She had an allopathic doctor diagnose a skin cancer on her face, a Lentigo maligna melanoma, and she went to a homeopathic doctor who worked with her for 6 months and they completely healed it. ❤️🙏🕊️

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I am happy to hear that you have tapped the simple energy boosting powers of homeopathy's approach. You mention quite dramatic experiences that do not surprise me at all. There are so many supports we can gather around us in times of need. Nature and human capacity is ever abundant, eh?

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Jul 13Liked by Camilla Sanderson

I resonate with your journey Camilla, particularly that we came here to do what is uniquely "ours" to do. When I was younger I was a crusader like Don Quixote --- charging and battling, trying to do way more than my body and mind was up for. I burned out constantly and had so little joy in my life. I was trying to make the world a safer and better place, but until I addressed my own traumas and lack of inner safety, my efforts really weren't as effective as they could have been The energy just wasn't right. In my seventies now, I love and accept myself so much more, which makes it easier to love and accept others. Love, not judgment, is truly what makes this world a happier safer place, one lovely interaction at a time! (P.S. Your Mum sounds pretty special!)

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Yes, exactly Flo! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. And yes, my mother is an extraordinary woman - and it's been a journey for me to individuate from her, which I wrote about in the memoir I've serialized here on Substack. But what I'm most grateful for besides how she unconditionally loves all of her 4 daughters, is how much inner work she has done on herself, so that when we, her daughters, spend time with her, it's such a gift.❤️🙏🕊️

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Yes, our beautiful birds sing to my heart too, as has your writing. Thank you 🙏💜

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Oh thank you so much Simone. Your comment is very meaningful to me as I've often thought of how to describe the writing I feel best about - the strongest, deepest, writing, and it's writing that I feel sings. So to hear that my writing sings to your heart is the most meaningful feedback I could receive. I'm truly grateful how this art - this writing - has brightened the connection between us.❤️🙏🕊️

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Camilla I really relate with and love this post! I might have said this to you before, but I am a Bhagavad Gita Nerd too. I have read several translations and actually taught a class on it. That was many years ago. With that said, the verse you brought forward is one of my favs. And I was a practicing Hindu for around 20 years, dharma will always be a guiding factor in my life. Even though I am not engaged in Hinduism any more it is still engaged with me. How can it not be. Its teaching and philosophies reside in the root of my being.

Blessings to you Camilla on the time with your mother. And may your writing be a fulfillment of your intentions and more...

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Hi Julie, I'm happy to hear you resonate with and love this post😁 and I love this too: "Even though I am not engaged in Hinduism any more it is still engaged with me." I know what you mean. thank you so much for the blessings Julie, and blessings bouncing back through the ether to you too.❤️🙏🕊️

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Very glad your still dropping us some of your wise reflections in between working on the new book you are being called to work on — I’m not sure what I’d do without my occasional Dharma reminder. :)

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Chuckle, good to hear from you Michael😁 When are you going to be dropping some of your own wise reflections? I'm in withdrawal from reading your writing😁❤️🙏🕊️

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Hahaha thanks Camilla.

I’m planning to post the first part of a twelve part series this week probably Thursday or Friday. The first part is a sort of ‘hook’ and from part 2 the story will start to unfold. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it :)

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ooh, good to hear. Looking forward to reading it! xo

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This is wonderful, Camilla! And I absolutely see you living your dharma! It inspires me all the time to remember to turn towards my own dharma (which I believe is to help usher in this unfolding into a more relational way of being in my own particular way). Thank you so much for being this reminder in my life! 🤗❤️

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Thanks so much for reading and commenting Jenna, and you know I feel the same way about how I learn and remember from your writing too❤️🙏🕊️

p.s. please remind me too, what your primary principle is from The Invisible Garment? (I'm so grateful you introduced me to that book!)

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Jul 16Liked by Camilla Sanderson

“This past week I found I’ve needed to consciously make a choice to cultivate joy. And I know that gratitude is one of joy’s essential ingredients.” Love this! No surprise…your thoughts are paralleling conversations I’ve been having with others this week. Thank you for sharing your wisdom! ❤️

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Thanks for reading and responding Ms. Julia, nice to hear from you here😁❤️🙏🕊️

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