Hilary’s response to question two was wonderful — it would be some awesome to be able try out all those different practices. And I also appreciate how she acknowledged the nuance of that experience in the sense of the questions it sometimes leaves her with. :)

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Hi Michael, I'm glad to hear you especially enjoyed Hilary's response to question 2. And yes, it would be so much fun to get to experiment with all of those different practices. However, I'm cautious about Hilary's 2nd paragraph in #2 - I believe the patriarchal conditioning in the Abrahamic religions is often the cause for 'guilt', which I don't believe serves anyone or anything. As Ecky teaches😉 guilt is a function of the ego. I also have a sense that the continuous striving the patriarchy condones is part of what has gotten our planet into the mess we're in. To continually 'do' and not rest and 'be' shows an imbalance which often results in sickness of body, mind, emotions and spirit. You got me going here😁 this is actually in the scope of the new book I'm in process with.

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I wrote and deleted a few different responses to your comment, Camilla because I just couldn’t find the right way to express how your thoughts changed my own. But I can say this — I think you’re right, a bit more ‘being’ and a little less ‘doing’ could really help right now. At least, I know it’s something I’m trying to learn for myself. :)

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I'm always appreciative of the smile and often chuckle I experience with our Substack exchanges Michael, but this time, I want to share that while my ego loves to "be right" it's not about me or my ego. I'm truly interested in the evolution of human consciousness, and I believe that always starts right here, right now, this time with you and me, and then we get to ripple it outwards. I'm ever the idealist, and spiritual enthusiast, I know😁❤️🙏🕊️

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Hear hear. It always start now.

Let’s let those ripples reverberate :)

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Great interview! I especially appreciate the reminder to not let ourselves and our readers get lost in our own comfort and needs. We all need to balance the inward work with a huge dose of outward work, especially now. And the Rumi quote about destroying your own reputation and being notorious really resounds for me too, in part because I am writing a book about practicing our terraphlia that includes spiritual exercises and practices. Thank you Camilla and thank you, Hilary!

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Thanks for reading and responding Susan❤️🙏🕊️

I also believe we're living in a time where the dominant Abrahamic religions are losing control over the masses, and people are learning to go within and become aware of their patriarchal conditioning, and to connect with their own inner divinity and what they know in their heart is "right action."

Perhaps the very fact that right here and now in this digital realm of Substack, you, Hilary, and I are investigating and exploring these topics, shows this to be true? I don't know, but I do agree with this quote from Eckhart Tolle which is in line with my own experience, "Life will give you whatever experience you need for the evolution of your consciousness. And how do you know that's what you need? Because that's the experience you're having."

I also love how he says that human beings have this expectation that life is meant to make you happy, whereas the truth is that life is meant to make your consciousness evolve😉

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I agree that the dominant Abrahamic religions are definitely experiencing more challenges than ever, and more people are leaving them, whether because they are conscious of why or not, and that many of us are looking and listening within for what Quakers call the "small, still voice" of the sacred. And I am grateful for the nudge from the universe that brings us together in exploration! I think that proves the truth of the Eckhart Tolle quote. As for happiness, I wonder sometimes if true happiness comes as our spirits grow and stretch. It's an inner thing, a sense of rightness and kinship with the whole web of life. Blessings to you.

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Yes, I love that: "I wonder sometimes if true happiness comes as our spirits grow and stretch. It's an inner thing, a sense of rightness and kinship with the whole web of life." Blessings to you too Susan🥰✨🌟💖🙏🕊️😘

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Beautiful, especially the fill in the blank about what to keep in mind when we write from the amazing Mrs. Day

I love this

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Thanks for reading and commenting Prajna!❤️🙏🕊️

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What a great post. I loved reading her answers to the questions and resonated with many especially the last "due before you die" it reminds of a scripture verse actually.

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Hi Florence, thanks so much for reading and commenting! And yes, I love the idea to die before you die too. Especially ego death - the ancient Hindu sacred text, The Bhagavad Gita discusses this too.❤️🙏🕊️

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This woman has one of the all time fun and fabulous jobs, IMHO. . . She'd be the person I'd love to have sitting next to me at a dinner party. Wonderful interview.

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Hi Stephanie, thanks for being here💕 and yes, I agree 100%🥰✨🌟💖🙏🕊️😘

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