I look forward to the completion of this human experience
And not in a morbid way, but in the sense it may be a kind of "going home"
Hello beloved reader,
I wrote this post some time ago and it’s been sitting in my draft folder. After reading it again just now, it gave me a much needed heart-lift as medicine for the challenging times we’re living through. I hope the below may lift your heart too.
Laura Lynne Jackson is a highly respected and extensively tested psychic medium whom I’ve written about in prior posts, including this one, “Intuitive or Psychic?” She’s also the author of two New York Times bestselling books:
I read a newsletter email from Laura Lynne where she writes about how loved ones who have passed over will often send you signs in the form of hearts, rainbows and butterflies:
Finally, they love to send butterflies to remind you how their souls are free. They are no longer burdened by any pain, or shortcomings of a physical body. They want to remind you that their spirit carries on, and is with you at all times, guiding you and loving you and rooting you on!
They love to send these signs to show you that you are never alone! You are always loved and guided by them!
“…no longer being burdened by any pain, or shortcomings of a physical body,” made me think about looking forward to the completion of this human experience I’m having as a spiritual being.
Not that I suffer greatly in my physical body, but it made me wonder, why does our culture make death and dying so scary?
What if being on “the other side” is incredibly beautiful?
I’ve read so many Near Death Experience (NDE) stories—a favorite being Anita Morjani’s Dying to be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing—and they all say the same thing: ‘the other realm’ is filled with unconditional love and is a beautiful space in which to be.
What if the mainstream culture honored the temporary aspect of our human experience—i.e. all of our human bodies have an expiration date—and through recognizing our physical form’s temporary status here on this planet, we had a totally different attitude about dying, and if we allow this to inform the way that we live?
What if the idea of dying would light us up?
What if we knew that it will in fact be so much more beautiful and pain free “on the other side”?
What if we looked forward to being dead?
And that’s not to take away from the joy and love all the wonderful experiences we may have here in this material realm. But what if the ideas of death and dying weren’t so scary?
Laura Lynne’s email also shared the link for a conversation she had with Jay Shetty:
What if the Rising of the Divine Feminine is partly about re-claiming our own psychic capacities?
Laura Lynne talks about working with scientists and wanting them to measure her brain while she’s doing the work of a psychic medium. I love how she approaches her “abilities” from a scientific perspective, i.e. how brains work during a psychic medium reading.
18:45 minutes into the YouTube she says:
“My brain wave patterns looked similar to those of monks when they meditate.”
I love the way she acknowledges we all have psychic abilities. And that she talks about how each of our psychic tool boxes includes tools of sensing the energy of certain geographic locations. We may resonate more with one area of the planet than others. Which has been the truth of my own experience too.
I also love how Jay Shetty talks about listening to his Inner Voice, which led him to being a Buddhist monk, and which also led him to disrobe too.
I also appreciated their conversation about how school weakens our connection with what they call our Inner Voice, and which may also be called one’s Inner Divinity.
Laura Lynne talks about a “global soul mission.” And the importance of setting an intention:
Connect with your team of light and ask:
’Use me as a vehicle for love and healing in this world. Guide me. Teach me. Show me.’
She talks of the importance of overcoming fear, and then trusting. And how fear can block us, and trust can open us.
We’re all here to give love and receive love.
The relationship we need to work with is our relationship with ourselves.I trust the universe. Open, be patient. Fill myself up with being vibrantly engaged with life. We’re being guided to our higher path.
The importance of shifting our vibrations to dwell in the frequency of Gratitude, Love, Forgiveness, Kindness and doing things for others—
even if that’s just smiling at someone in the supermarket.Peace is under rated.
She talks of the need for each of us to create sacred space and honor our own light. So many of us don’t respect this part of ourselves. We have inherent value deserving of love. This is our birthright.
The greatest kind of love has a peace in it.
Maybe if you’ve hit a level of peace in your relationship, stop and value it.
Project gratitude towards that person that you’re in each other’s life.
Fear is a liar. Anxiety is a liar.
‘Actually, everything is working out for me.’ This silences the anxiety.
I’m guided and protected and never alone.
Art is being connected with God. God is creation and love.
The act of creating and doing art re-balances us.
Death is not a dead end, it’s a doorway.
And it’s a doorway back to our true home, and to something greater than we can understand with our limited human brains—which to me are like dunce caps that keep us from remembering where our true home is, why we’re really here, all of those things.
Love is the most powerful thing there is and that is the cord of connection always.
First thing in the morning and last thing at night, express gratitude.
“Things are always working out for me.”
And a reminder from Charles Eisenstein:
“The global climate and the social climate and the psychic climate, all of these are related.
The war on nature. The war on each other. The war on the self. All related.”
—Charles Eisenstein
Which means you have more power than you may know — by working on your inner life; observing your own mind, cultivating loving kindness and compassion, keeping your heart/mind in equanimity, you have the power to effect your outer life.
I absolutely believe that our intuition-opening-up/our psychic abilities are indeed in partnership with the rise of the Divine Feminine. I have so many clients who come to me for animal communication readings and their animals are asking them to honor their intuition and even give their humans practices to do with them to ground, tune in, etc. It is not a coincidence. I can feel we are being called and, in my piece of this great puzzle of life, I’m helping humanity accept the animals’ invitation to re-connect to what we disconnected from so long ago - our integration with nature, the Divine and (even more traumatic) ourselves. Our intuition helps us rekindle all of these relationships. It’s time. Thank you for another great article!
Hi Camilla, l enjoyed reading this post this morning, and timely as it is John’s 6th death day today, Feb 5th. And l was just writing this morning in my morning musings how l may one day collate my posts into a memoir of our interdimensional relationship, such are the synchronicity of signs and communication. We are indeed eternal and death is a transfer of our energy into a “formless fluidity of bliss”, as John has told me, from across the veil. And he certainly helps guide my evolving awareness. Thank you. 🙏💜 PS: l will watch the video link later.