I have not read or listened to many posts recently. But for some reason, I opened this, Camilla. This morning, after reading of the suffering of the Palestinian people, I wrote in my journal 'What would I write if I were brave?' And went on to question my laziness, selfishness and lack of courage, this post is exactly what I needed to read. Thank you

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Aoibhin: you ARE brave, to share your heart and your desire here.

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Hi Aoibhin, yes, our culture thrives on judgmentalism, perhaps originating in the Abrahamic religions. I much prefer the Eastern traditions' tendency towards observing, versus judging, and observing with loving kindness and compassion for self and others. The Vietnamese Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hahn’s beautiful book The Art of Power dives deep into how the one true use of power is to lessen suffering- both one’s own and that of others. May you be well♥️🙏🏼🕊

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My friend Harriet Behm, with her sister Charlotte, wrote Clueless at the Top in 2004 about hierarchies and the patriarchy. She has been saying for years that the patriarchy is in its death throes….I sincerely hope so. Her website: cluelessatthetop.com

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Thanks for the link and info, Martha. I guess these kinds of historical movements are slow - like a huge ocean liner slowly changing course. Like all things, we shall see❤️🙏🕊️

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I’ve never come across that “what’s your social change role” thing before, and I found it quite interesting. I feel as though I identify as a ‘storyteller’. And I’m curious, do you see yourself as a storyteller as well Camilla?

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Hi Michael, Thanks for being here. And yes, I think it's great to consider our roles in community, as we're all different. And yes, I resonate with the roles/archetypes of Guide, Storyteller, Healer, and a bit of the Visionary thrown in too😁

p.s. and sometimes the Disruptor too😁

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Ohh yes, the disruptor has to be in there a little hehe :)

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lol, I thought you may resonate with that one too😉

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Thank you for this reminder. The Mayan calendar turning in 2012 revealed a coming time of a flowering upon the Earth. Which feels very far away right now. Keeping the faith in spite of darkness is brave. Thank you for sharing fresh perspectives on how that looks. I'm happy to find myself in the top left quadrant of the Social Changers wheel: Guide, Storyteller, and Healer.

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Thanks for being here Christine, and yes, I resonate with those roles/archetypes too, with a bit of Visionary thrown in too😁❤️🙏🕊️

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oooh yes, I missed the Visionary. Love me some archetypes! I also LOVE Ms. Bolt and her work “Stroke of Genius.” Are you familiar with Ian McGilchrist’s (big fat) book on evolutionary neurology, “The Master and His Emissary?” In my view, the right hemisphere is feminine.

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Thank you for this reminder Christine about, “The Master and His Emissary” as I bought the audio edition on sale, and I have not yet listened to it. I will move it to the top of the queue😁 I just finished listening to Pico Iyer's AFLAME, which I enjoyed, although I enjoyed his book "The Art of Stillness" more❤️🙏🕊️

(but yes, I have the sense already that at this point in our planet's history it's all about balancing the yang with yin; ‘doing’ with ‘being’; left brain with right brain.)

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FYI, Camilla, to be honest I didn’t finish “the Master” - learned enough from the lengthy intro to fuel my work. It’s quite a tome. Thank you.

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It actually scares me that they are scared, b/c a rat backed into a corner is a vicious creature. They're holding on too long--and continuing to push down the world. Sorry I can't feel more upbeat.

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Hi Jeanine, we all feel what we feel, and these times are certainly bringing up a lot of emotion. I try to remind myself just not to cling to any feeling that is arising in me - whether it be fear, anger, despair, grief or any positive emotions too - just to remember "it's like this" and I know this feeling will arise, and it will pass. Jill Bolte Taylor's work always helps me with this too - you may be aware that from a neuroanatomy perspective she says that the duration of any and every emotion in the brain is 90 seconds. And if it stays longer, it's because I'm clinging to the emotion. I also love the Buddhist perspective of the 8 worldly winds that knock us about: gain and loss; fame and shame; praise and blame; and pleasure and pain. And like the keel of a boat, remembering this brings me back to center, back to equanimity. Of course it's a continual practice, and perhaps will be until the day I die. But just remembering these spiritual principles bring me peace. I hope that helps❤️🙏🕊️

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Totally beautiful. Thank you Camilla. As days go by I am holding onto the anger, fear, disbelief- but belief a little less. I love the 8 worldly winds dichotomies and will check out Jill Bolte Taylor’s work. Thank you.

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Oh, if you don't know JBT's work, it's amazing. Both her book, My Stroke of Insight, and her Ted Talk is great too - over 30 million views! https://www.ted.com/talks/jill_bolte_taylor_my_stroke_of_insight

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Oh thank you again! I will start right now w/ the Ted Talk!!!!

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As the indigenous cultures teach, we're all born with an 'original medicine,' and if we don't express it in the world, it's lost and gone forever.

So thank you for being authentic Jeanine and giving me an opportunity to offer my 'medicine' in the world. It makes me feel good❤️🙏🕊️

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Hi Monica! Good to see you here😁❤️🙏🕊️

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