Creative practice as a refuge... I never thought about it like that during my entire daily practice of 27 years and counting. Definitely! The phrase alone changes the whole scenery 🏕️ ✍🏼 🔥
Beautiful post, Camilla. I'm currently reading Sally Gillespie's book and I can't wait for her interview! You are doing such good work and I appreciate the gifts of your writing and its themes.
Thank you so much for your kind and generous comment Stephanie🥰 much appreciated, and my appreciation for your work is bouncing back to you too. I'm grateful for our connection here through our words on Substack♥️🙏🕊️
Priya, I love how you describe this paradox! Our writing is a refuge, and yet it also brightens the connections between us and our readers, and it can even brighten the connections between our readers. Thanks for reading and commenting Priya. It's always nice to know how one's writing lands in a reader♥️🙏🕊️
Truth be told, I’ve never heard it either… in fact, I may have just made it up when I wrote that comment hahaha — but yes, let’s both use it! Let’s bring that expression into the style :)
I so appreciate you sharing my book in this way here Camilla. It feels so appropriate because yes creating this book was my refuge in a number of ways, including through the loss of both my parents. Thank you for honouring the process of refuge, creation and gifting to the world
It’s my absolute pleasure and joy Sally🥰 Thank you for the work you do in the world,🌎for living your dharma (a la the Bhagavad Gita). This is such a beautiful example of being able to co-create and collaborate, which I have a sense is exactly what is needed in the world right now♥️🙏🏼🕊
Creative practice as a refuge... I never thought about it like that during my entire daily practice of 27 years and counting. Definitely! The phrase alone changes the whole scenery 🏕️ ✍🏼 🔥
and there is the power of Substack in allowing us to share ideas♥️🙏🕊️
Beautiful post, Camilla. I'm currently reading Sally Gillespie's book and I can't wait for her interview! You are doing such good work and I appreciate the gifts of your writing and its themes.
Thank you so much for your kind and generous comment Stephanie🥰 much appreciated, and my appreciation for your work is bouncing back to you too. I'm grateful for our connection here through our words on Substack♥️🙏🕊️
I’ve always felt my writing is the place I seek refuge, a place I disappear into, and paradoxically, where I’m seen by the world. Great post, Camilla!
Priya, I love how you describe this paradox! Our writing is a refuge, and yet it also brightens the connections between us and our readers, and it can even brighten the connections between our readers. Thanks for reading and commenting Priya. It's always nice to know how one's writing lands in a reader♥️🙏🕊️
Yes, and where we go to hide is also how we share ourselves with the world. ✨
Such an exquisite paradox and I have a sense of this as an essay from you😁
"where we go to hide is also how we share ourselves with the world"
Great piece Camilla.
The idea or creativity as a spiritual practice totally resonates with me.
It feels so healing and restorative to be ‘lost’ (although I prefer the word ‘found’) in the flow of the creative act! :)
Thanks Michael. And yes, I agree 100%.
Also hello 👋from down under - visiting my 87-year-old mum and one of my younger sisters here in Bulahdela♥️🙏🕊️
Ohhh lovely! Hello from the underside :)
lol, never heard of 'down under' as the 'underside'😂 thanks for that expression, I'll be using that😁❤️🙏🕊️
Truth be told, I’ve never heard it either… in fact, I may have just made it up when I wrote that comment hahaha — but yes, let’s both use it! Let’s bring that expression into the style :)
I so appreciate you sharing my book in this way here Camilla. It feels so appropriate because yes creating this book was my refuge in a number of ways, including through the loss of both my parents. Thank you for honouring the process of refuge, creation and gifting to the world
It’s my absolute pleasure and joy Sally🥰 Thank you for the work you do in the world,🌎for living your dharma (a la the Bhagavad Gita). This is such a beautiful example of being able to co-create and collaborate, which I have a sense is exactly what is needed in the world right now♥️🙏🏼🕊