Honoring You as a Reader of the Rising of the Divine Feminine
and Happy 2nd Birthday to this Substack
Hello beloved reader,
In addition to celebrating with you the birthday of this Rising of the Divine Feminine Substack — the first post of which I sent out two years ago on September 24th, 2022 — I would also like to let you know of a ritual in which I am engaging, to honor you.
I continue to be deeply grateful for and appreciative of your presence here; for you having made a choice to receive this writing in your inbox; for your kind and generous reading and especially for the hearts and comments offered. I truly enjoy the opportunity to engage with readers who are also lit up by the ideas and stories involved with the Rising of the Divine Feminine. I’m also deeply grateful for and humbled by the financial support offered by kind and generous readers.
I have been inspired by two Substack writers I read who have created rituals of blessing for their subscribers. One has a bag of precious stones, each stone representing a subscriber; and the other has a paper-link chain, each paper circle representing one of their subscribers, all linked together.
To represent each reader of this Substack, I have decided to add one grain of brown rice to a glass jar. I chose a glass jar as a metaphor for a container that holds a space with much loved transparency and clarity, and I have chosen a grain of brown rice to represent each reader because:
each grain represents a seed with the potential for growth;
each grain can be grown into healthy and nourishing food;
within each grain is a kernel: ‘a softer, usually edible part of a nut, seed, or fruit stone contained within its hard shell’ — as a metaphoric reminder of the importance of connecting with vulnerability, our softer internal hearts — as an essential aspect of the human experience;
and I appreciate, value, and love brown rice.
I will keep this sacred glass jar of brown rice in the space where I write, and will offer each of you beautiful readers a blessing each time I ‘spill’ words onto the screen by tapping away on my keyboard; play with and polish the craft of those words; and schedule a Substack post to arrive in your inbox.

Also, I want to offer a writing update: I have submitted to a publisher a book proposal for a new book with a tentative title: The Heroic Journey of the Divine Feminine: How We Can Heal Our Relationship with Mother Earth and Bring Back the Balance. The website of the publisher to whom I have submitted the book proposal states it’s a minimum of 10 weeks before one can expect to hear anything. I invite you to say a prayer, conduct a ritual, or offer positive energy towards this book being acquired by this ‘traditional’ publisher so that the words, ideas and energy of the divine feminine may continue to catch on like wildfire.
And in the meantime I will continue to focus my writing energies on this book that wants to flow through me, but will most likely not be able to resist offering periodic Substack posts too. Thank you for reading❤️🙏🏼🕊
generous and meaningful gesture!
Oh, Camilla! What a lovely, creative gesture. That photo touched my heart — such beauty. I can picture your jar of precious rice grains and the joy of adding to it, one by one. I’m so tempted to do this myself. How do you feel about that? 🥰
Big congratulations on your book proposal. Visualizing your new book out in the world where it will do so much good. 💚