In Conversation with Jenna Newell Hiott
7 Questions on Writing About the Divine Feminine and Spirituality
Hello beloved reader and welcome new subscribers!
Update: I have deleted a few paragraphs I had written in response to the times we’re living in, but that were not relevant to Jenna’s beautiful writing. Enjoy!
I feel incredibly lucky and grateful that I get to co-create this interview series through these 7 questions with such inspiring and beautiful writers. Reading Jenna’s responses below warmed my heart, and I have a sense her words will uplift your heart too.
I was first introduced to Jenna’s amazing work through her Substack:
As a longtime Tarot reader, one of my favorite aspects of Jenna’s Substack is her weekly post, Archetype and Tarot. I’ve long loved both Angeles Arrien’s The Tarot Handbook: Practical Applications of Ancient Visual Symbols, and Caroline Myss’s Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential, which includes an appendix of archetypes. With writing that’s in a similar vein, Jenna’s work beautifully weaves together one archetype and one Tarot card each week, offering their insights as sacred keys—gateways to deeper understanding and transformation. With intuitive clarity, she illuminates the wisdom within each, revealing a universal map of patterns in the human experience while also highlighting the potent synergy between the two.
I also love the moments of synchronicity I experience when reading Jenna’s writing, as what I read is so often very applicable to my present life circumstance.
As you will see, one of the main focuses of Jenna’s work is to honor the interconnected aspect of all sentient beings—with which I also deeply resonate. As she writes on her About page of her Substack, “…we are collectively moving towards a more relational way of being.”❤️🙏🕊️
The 7 Questions:
1. Why are you drawn to writing about spirituality and/or the Divine Feminine?
I’m drawn to writing about spirituality and the Divine Feminine because of the deep, lived connections I experience with Spirit, my ancestors, and all beings across realms. For me, spirituality is a dialogue, not just with the Divine, but with the Earth, with the invisible threads that bind us all. The Divine Feminine represents a power of presence and receptivity, a space for co-creation and relationship. My writing is an expression of this exploration, the journey of understanding how these connections come together and how we, as humans, are not separate from the web of life. I believe we’re all part of a greater collective, each of us a unique expression of the Divine, and that’s what inspires my work. In writing, I invite others into that dialogue, to witness and embrace their own connection to the sacred, to the feminine, and to the ancestors who support us every step of the way.
2. How does writing about spirituality affect you, in your work and/or personal life?
Writing about spirituality has a profound effect on both my work and personal life. In my work, it serves as a channel for the insights and guidance I receive from Spirit, my ancestors, and all the beings I am in relationship with. It’s a way for me to translate the intangible wisdom I experience into something others can relate to and use in their own lives. Personally, writing helps me process my thoughts, deepen my spiritual practice, and make sense of the mysteries that constantly unfold. The act of writing also keeps me on track, grounding me in my spiritual path. It creates a record of my experiences, one that I can return to and find new layers of meaning as I continue to grow. Each piece I write feels like an act of co-creation with Spirit—an offering that comes through me, but is never fully mine alone. Writing about spirituality reminds me that I am always in relationship with something greater, and it encourages me to stay open to the ongoing dialogue between myself and the Divine. It’s a constant source of nourishment, both for my personal growth and my work in guiding others, and it continues to bring magic into my life time and again.
3. What is an experience you have had that is perhaps the most mystical and unexplainable in the rational/material realm?
I’ve had countless mystical experiences, each one just as meaningful to me as the next. I stared at this question for a long time, trying to come up with one that might be my favorite and I simply couldn’t. Instead, I put a few in a hat and pulled one out at random. This is the one I got: About 20 years ago, while healing from a near-lethal illness, my husband took me to see a play—my first outing since becoming ill. I was nervous, worried that being out among people might set my healing back. As the lights dimmed, I anxiously scanned the theater for exits, consumed by my fears. Then, I heard a voice, both within me and from all around me. It said in a calm, matter-of-fact tone, “Sorry to interrupt, but you’re blocking my view.” I looked to my husband and the person on the other side of me, but no one else seemed to hear it. This voice wasn’t of this world, but from Spirit. It was a gentle (and snarky in just the right way) reminder to stop worrying and allow myself some enjoyment. At that moment, I felt another part of me step forward, the part that could calm my nerves and fully experience the play. It was the first time I felt keenly aware of the love and support of my spirit guides, letting me know I was safe and held. That deep level of security wove itself into my being and is a source of comfort I now turn to again and again.
4. What is the first memory you have that there was something else besides the material realm?
The first memory I have of sensing something beyond the material realm takes me back to my early childhood. I had a whole set of what others called "imaginary friends and family members", but to me, they were as real as anyone else I knew. I distinctly remember having conversations with them, feeling their presence, and knowing that they existed beyond the physical world. These weren’t figments of my imagination but individuals who were as tangible to me as the people I saw every day. At the time, there was no separation between the seen and the unseen; they were simply part of my reality. It wasn’t until later, when I began intentionally working with Spirit, that I could look back and recognize that these "imaginary" people were, in fact, beings in spirit—ancestors, guides, and souls who were part of my greater network of support. This experience shaped my understanding that the material realm is just one layer of existence, and that our connections with the unseen world are just as real and vital.
5. What do you hope for, for your writing?
For my writing, I hope to inspire a shift toward a more relational way of living, one that recognizes and embraces our interconnectedness with all beings, seen and unseen. My guides often remind me that we're collectively moving toward this understanding—where relationships are at the core of our existence, not just with each other but with the Earth, the Divine, and the unseen realms. I want my writing to be a space where readers can feel this truth, to help them tune into their own connections with Spirit, their ancestors, and all that surrounds them. Through exploring the themes of collective healing and the Divine Feminine, I hope to offer a reminder that we are not isolated beings but part of a vast, ever-evolving web of relationships. My ultimate hope is that my words will encourage others to find peace in this relational way of being, and to trust that we are always held by the love and support of those who walk with us.
6. Who is a writer or other creative artist who makes you feel inspired, helps you to remember we’re spiritual beings having a human experience, and perhaps makes you cherish Mother Earth just a little bit more?
Wow, it’s so hard to choose just one! I’ve been inspired by so many amazing writers, including you, Camilla! Another writer who comes to mind is Rabbi Jill Hammer. Her work has opened my eyes to how ancient Hebrew traditions were deeply Earth-connected and centered around the Divine Feminine. In particular, The Hebrew Priestess: Ancient and New Visions of Jewish Women's Spiritual Leadership and Undertorah: An Earth-Based Kabbalah of Dreams reveal the Goddess-loving, Earth-honoring practices embedded within a lineage often perceived as strictly patriarchal. More importantly, Jill’s work has helped me realize that we can reclaim these ancient ways and weave them back into our modern lives. Additionally, her version of the Sefer Yetzirah is, in my opinion, the most accessible and offers a refreshing focus on the elements—air, fire, and water—that is often missing from other versions of this Kabbalistic text. Jill’s writing reminds me that the sacred is never lost, only waiting to be remembered, and that our relationship with the Earth and the unseen is always alive, always calling us back into deeper connection.
7. What are the words of wisdom and/or spiritual principle(s) that you come back to time and time again that give you solace and uplift your heart?
The words of wisdom I return to time and again are the messages my guides share about the collective shift toward a more relational way of living. This shift is something that has been affirmed by many philosophers and spiritual teachers, and it gives me great solace in these uncertain times. I believe that when we move from a mindset of separation to one of connection—with each other, with the Earth, with Spirit—we open the door to healing and transformation, both on an individual level and as a collective. It’s a message of hope that speaks to our potential as humans to create something beautiful, harmonious, and life-affirming. I find great comfort in knowing that this relational shift is not just an abstract concept but something we are actively moving toward. It reminds me that we are not alone in our struggles and that the work we do to heal ourselves, our communities, and our world is part of a much larger, ongoing process of co-creation with the Divine.
Jenna Newell Hiott is a spiritual guide, writer, and teacher with a deep focus on ancestral healing, collective relationality, and the language of Spirit. She is the creator of Spirit Connections with Jenna Newell Hiott, where she shares insights through archetypes, tarot, and sacred rituals. Jenna’s work invites others to explore their connections with the Divine and their ancestors, offering guidance on healing and spiritual growth. With a strong foundation in relational practices, Jenna’s teachings are designed to create space for both personal transformation and collective healing.
Please also note: this series of interviews will live under the tab labeled “Alchemical Conversations” on this Substack, with the intention that the space will become a kind of resource of writers collaborating in reclaiming the Divine Feminine. Perhaps each string of words each of us writes is a thread in a vast, intricate, and beautiful tapestry we are collectively weaving—each row of this evolving fabric moving us toward an evolution of consciousness, a deeper awareness of the spiritual dimensions of our ecological crisis, and the healing needed to restore a harmonic balance with Mother Earth.
Next week, I will be sharing author, and Hierophant Publishing’s senior editor, Hilary Smith’s responses to these 7 questions.